Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Sales Tips for a Tough Economy (NYT)

Sales Tips for a Tough Economy

There is no shortage of advice about how to increase sales in this tough economy. The problem is that many of the ideas are not new — concentrate on filling a specific niche; let the big companies be the generalists — or are overly specific. (Does handing out free portable computer memory sticks with your company’s name on them really work, if you are not a technology company?)

Still, if you search long enough, there are nuggets worth considering.

MORE EFFECTIVE ADS Writing on the Web site of Peak Consulting, which specializes in statistical analysis and economic forecasting, Bob Leduc suggests a three-part approach to increasing your advertising’s impact.

First, he said: “Always include a powerful offer in your advertising. Offer free information related to your product or service to generate inquiries or Web site traffic. Then, make the most compelling discount or bonus offer you can afford to convert these inquiring prospects into paying customers.”

To convert these prospects, he said you should do everything you can to capture the contact information of the people who respond to your ads and follow up with them, since “most prospects won’t buy the first time they hear or see your sales message.”

Finally, he suggested, “Remove the obstacle of risk.” The major reason why people don’t buy something they want or need, he says, is that they do not want to take the chance of getting something different than they expect and maybe even losing money. “You can eliminate this risk by guaranteeing satisfaction,” he said. “If you sell products, offer a liberal money back guarantee. If you provide a service, offer to continue working without additional charge until the promised result is achieved.”

CUSTOMERS AS SALESPEOPLE Word of mouth is a great way to goose sales. But you don’t have to sit back and wait for people to spread the word about how wonderful you are, argues James Yuille, a marketer.

“Make your customers get excited about your business and they will tell their friends,” he said. “Send them ‘thank you’ letters or cards after they buy. Give them a free vacation certificate, a coupon, etc. when they refer others to you.”

ASK FOR THE ORDER Many entrepreneurs have a hard time asking for the order — saying to the customer words to the effect of, “Should I write up the sale now?”

Duane Marx, writing on Relationship, recommends that you a) not have that reluctance and, b) certainly don’t build it into your Web site, if you are selling products there.

“Have a few places where your prospects can order your products,” Mr. Marx said. “You always want to make it easy for them to buy. By having more order links on your sales page. they’ll be able to buy whenever the urge strikes them.” .

CHARGE MORE One “easy” way to increase revenue is by charging more.

If you think you can’t raise your prices in this economy, think again, suggests Charlie Cook at Marketing for

That is especially true if what you are basically selling is your time.

“Most service professionals think that they’re already charging as much as they can, because prospects and clients often balk at their existing prices,” he wrote. “But nine times out of 10 when prospects complain about price, it’s not the total cost that’s the problem. The problem is that the price is presented out of context, so prospects don’t understand the value of your services. Without understanding the value you provide, a very reasonable price is going to seem high and become a barrier to sales.”

LAST CALL Words matter, especially when it comes to selling. For a humorous example of things not being exactly what they seem, visit where they point out what salespeople really mean when they use a specific term.

Here are some of our favorites, quoted verbatim:

¶ New: Different color from previous design.

¶ All new: Parts not interchangeable with previous design.

¶ Unmatched: Almost as good as the competition.

¶ Years of development: We finally got one that works.

¶ Advanced design: The advertising agency doesn’t understand it.