Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Boost Business with Thank You ECard (Wired.com)

Boost Business with Thank You ECard

From Wired How-To Wiki

Saying "Thank You" is a big secret of dealing with people. Yet, it is often overlooked or forgotten. Though, it's one of the first things we teach our children to say as parents. We were probably taught this as well, I know I was. So why do we, as adults, forget to do it so often in business? "Thank you" works marketing magic because everyone wants to feel important.

Don't on the pretext that you're too busy or believe it isn't necessary. It's very easy to do, and also effective. Just send out personalized Thank You eCards to your customers and express your gratitude for choosing you or your service. You will become renowned for your professional courtesy and acumen.

Thank you eCards can do more than just ensure customer satisfaction and build brand loyalty. A customized thank you eCard can strengthen name recognition, brand message and brand identity. It is really an economical and effective way for your business.

Making customized Thank You cards is a dying art. Unlike writing a thank you note for a gift, a business thank you card must be professional but have a personalized, appreciative tone to it at the same time. Then the problem come down to how to make such professional yet personalized thank you eCard.

Employ some 3rd party company customize thank you eCard for your company is a good stratagem, especially in the short term. If you want to design kinds of eCard for different people, this way will very wasteful in this downturn economy. Take E-Marketing Associates (EMA) for example, you must cost as little as $279 to create a custom Holiday eCard, if you want to create five customized eCard, you should cost $1395. In fact, you have some better solution, through PowerPoint.

As we know, PowerPoint is a power tool to create professional presentation. Music, videos, pictures, and personalized greetings can be very easily inserted to your presentation. Also, the slide transitions and animations in PowerPoint will enhance your presentation. In detail, you could add:

- Company name/logo (strength brand recognition)

- Company's group photos (increase kindness feeling to customers)

- Warmly voice greetings from all your company staff (impress customers with the harmonious and friendly culture)

- Personalized greeting messages (Keep sincerity in mind at first and then writing the greetings from heart, not for the sake of flattery)

- Slide transitions and animations (catch others'eyeballs, and make your company like a pro in anything)

Then convert your presentation to Flash eCard is very easy with some other third party tools, like PPT2Flash. After converting, you could send the thank you eCard to your customers via email or uploading to your company website. Each customer has a different level of satisfaction with your products and services. However, all customers who view the elaborated thank you eCard you design will satisfied that they're important to you. This can determine whether you'll continue a relationship with them and get referrals.

Click to view the demo made by PowerPoint and PPT2Flash

It may be difficult to measure exactly how sending thank you eCard affects your business, but it does make a difference. The results may not be immediate and remember don't expect anything. Just trust that 'what comes around goes around' and what you give out comes back to you in some way.

Who can you thank today? Just make a thank you eCard and deliver to them.